Strategic Plan for the Can Llobet Facilities Area

The Can Llobet facilities area is located in the western part of the La Floresta district. It includes a children’s playground, an outdoor swimming pool, a multi-sports hall, an outdoor sports court, and the buildings of La Mimosa nursery and the Can Llobet Open Center. There is also an informal BMX circuit, a skatepark, a calisthenics area, and the “Cases dels Mestres” complex, which are public social housing units under an urban caretaker system.
All these elements make up an architectural ensemble that has been developed progressively and somewhat chaotically, without an overarching vision. The project’s ultimate goal is to enhance the value of both the facilities and the public space that connects them, elevating what is already the social and sports hub of La Floresta.
The project was developed based on a detailed technical study and a series of participatory, administrative, and community meetings that helped articulate a shared narrative about how Can Llobet functions. This approach incorporated a highly cross-disciplinary political and technical vision, along with the community perspectives of local sports, neighborhood, and socio-educational organizations.
The final result is a Strategic and Action Plan that integrates an intersectional gender perspective and guides the collective diagnosis—from mobility, public space, and building analysis to facility management—towards a comprehensive proposal. This proposal focuses on energy upgrades for the buildings, reconnection with the adjacent public space system, prioritization of sustainable mobility, centralization of management, and increased visibility of all available municipal and community resources.
Sant Cugat del Vallès
[90,664 inhabitants]

Public facility
Public spac
Type of project
Urban Strategies
Citizen cooperation
6 months [2023]
Municipality of Sant Cugat
del Vallès
*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,
Konstantina Chrysostomou,
Marc Deu Ferrer, Alba
Domínguez Ferrer)
Iker Etxarte Sunsundegui
Entities and associations of
the La Floresta district:
Olimpyc de la Floresta, AFA
Escola La Floresta, AAVV de
La Floresta, Centre Obert,
CAU (Scout Group), Clau
Technical team of the Sant
Cugat del Vallès City Council