En Orbita, “Projecte Singular” of Social Economy
Our cooperative has been able to start the “En Orbita” project since we have been awarded one of the grants for “Projects Singulars,” promoted by the Social Economy program, the “Generalitat de Catalunya” and the “Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social,” for 2022.
It is an initiative that aims to promote and strengthen community relations between the people of a territory through the dissemination and practice of participatory culture applied to the improvement of its urban habitat. It’s about recognizing capabilities, tidying them up, and activating them: putting them into orbit.
In this context, talks and debates are scheduled where we invite both our regular collaborators and the neighborhood’s people, and awareness-raising actions are promoted in the public space or educational and informative capsules about Cooperative Urbanism. As a result of this work, and to consolidate learning and disseminate these values, a series of materials will be generated that will be available once the project is finished.
[7.710.136 inhabitants]
Type of project
Citizen cooperation
12 months [2022]
Economia Social,
Generalitat de Catalunya,
Ministerio de Trabajo y
Economía Social
Equip redactor
*estel (Konstantina
Chrysostomou, Arnau Boix i
Pla, Alba Domínguez Ferrer,
Marc Deu Ferrer, Oriol Serra
Ureta, Roser Garcia i Piqué)
Estel* communiy
Watch on YouTube the videos
of the series of talks
Watch on YouTube the