Conferences and Open Talks


We believe that shared knowledge is the first step to building fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive cities. We offer public conferences and talks designed to foster debate, reflection, and learning on key topics of cooperative urbanism. These sessions are an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and perspectives with a diverse audience committed to improving our urban spaces.

Our conferences and talks are designed to be interactive and participatory, aiming to create an enriching dialogue between speakers and the audience. We foster an environment where attendees feel comfortable asking questions, sharing their opinions, and learning from one another.

We are open to collaborations with institutions, entities, and groups that wish to organize conferences or talks on these topics. If you are interested in collaborating with us or would like to request a conference or talk, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Some of the conferences and open talks in which we have participated:

Addressed to:

People interested in urbanism, students, professionals in architecture and urban planning, members of social organizations, public institutions, neighborhood collectives, and anyone committed to building fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive cities.