Conferences and Open Talks

We believe that shared knowledge is the first step to building fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive cities. We offer public conferences and talks designed to foster debate, reflection, and learning on key topics of cooperative urbanism. These sessions are an opportunity to share knowledge, experiences, and perspectives with a diverse audience committed to improving our urban spaces.
Our conferences and talks are designed to be interactive and participatory, aiming to create an enriching dialogue between speakers and the audience. We foster an environment where attendees feel comfortable asking questions, sharing their opinions, and learning from one another.
We are open to collaborations with institutions, entities, and groups that wish to organize conferences or talks on these topics. If you are interested in collaborating with us or would like to request a conference or talk, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Addressed to:
People interested in urbanism, students, professionals in architecture and urban planning, members of social organizations, public institutions, neighborhood collectives, and anyone committed to building fairer, more sustainable, and inclusive cities.
- Presentation “The Participatory Process of the SUPERILLES Project”, DivAirCity, Barcelona, 2024
- Presentation “Cooperative Urban Transformation Processes” at the “Arquitectura en Obert” Conference, Sabadell, 2024
- Presentation “DiverCity; Youth for Gender Inclusive Cities”, Athens, 2024
- Presentation “Volem Decidir!” at the Cities Teach: Youth Participation Webinar, organized by European Capital of Democracy, 2024
- Talk “Creation, Division, and Unification of Cities” for the Collective Personal Exhibition, Cyprus, 2024
- Presentation “Cooperative Urban Transformation Processes” at EURAU - “European Research on Architecture and Urbanism International Conference In-Presence”, 2023
- Presentation of the participatory process “FEM PARC!” awarded in the AJAC XII AWARDS at the round table “in-experiencies” organized by AJAC and COAC, Sabadell 2022
- Presentation “Importance of the urban environment in the development of children and young people in our municipality“, Sant Feliu de Codines, 2022
- Presentation “Cooperative Urban Transformation Processes”, Lefkosia, 2022
- Moderation of the round table “Sabadell, a city with universal accessibility?“, Sabadell, 2022
- Organization of the cycle of talks “People’s urbanism” framed in the “En Òrbita by *estel” project, a singular project promoted by the Economia Social, the Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Enterprise and Work) and financed by the Ministerio de Trabajo y Social Economy and the Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, Sabadell, 2022
- Presentation at “EERA Network 14 / Online Symposium on “Democratising the Urban City through Education Theory, Policy and Practice“, 2021
- Presentation “Sustainable Urban Ecosystems: Making cities with people for people” at the Cyprus University of Technology, organised by Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber, Lemesos 2020
- Round table: Participatescapes “Las Ramblas: the collective story“, Barcelona 2019.
- Presentation at the Action Research Conference on Urban Hypnopedia, Valencia 2018.
- Participation in the round table “The city from a gender perspective“, Valencia 2018.
- Paper at the Urban Engendering Conference October, Madrid 2018.
- Presentation “Designing processes and spaces” at the Technical School of Architecture of Valencia (ETSAV), Valencia 2018.
- Presentation “Rambles Cooperative Process” in the Master of Urban and Territorial Development of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona 2018.
- Presentation of the Rambles Cooperative Process at the Vallès School of Architecture and Engineering (ETSAV), Sant Cugat 2018
- Presentation “Strategies for the rescue of Ramblas of Barcelona” at Fundación Arquia for the Chalmers tekniska högskola (Gothenburg), Barcelona 2018.
- Presentation at the Conference “Temporary use of empty spaces” organized by the Barcelona Provincial Council, Montbui 2017
- Presentation “Transforming the collective spaces through a collaborative urban diagnosis involving citizens, technician and administration“, University of Nicosia, Cyprus 2017.
- Presentation at the conference “Spaces for the collective construction of the city” organized by Civic Factory Fest, Valencia 2017.
- Presentation at the Habitat III Congress “Public Spaces”, “Participatory Culture: Public Space and Decision-Making Processes“, Barcelona 2016.
- Presentation “Techniques for studying everyday life” organized by the Master’s Degree in Design and Production of Spaces at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona 2016.
- Presentation at the “Thinking Through the Future of Memory” conference entitled “Negotiating Cultural Identities and memory in post-conflict space. The memorial landscapes of Nicosia ”, Amsterdam 2016.
- Presentation at the Conference “Interaction 15: Joan Miró Square Project” organized by Barcelona Provincial Council and the Mancomunitat de Catalunya, Barcelona 2015.
- Presentation at the meeting “Local Culture and Construction of Citizenship”, Madrid 2015.