Naves do Metrosidero

Naves do Metrosidero is a recently renovated municipal facility of A Coruña City Council. The intention of the Council of Participation and Democratic Innovation was to turn it into a resource for young people from all over the city, and to decide in a participative way, its uses and management. Thus, the cooperative process for the redaction of the Extended Project of Use and Management for the Naves do Metrosidero.
The basis for its redaction was a participatory process consisted of 8 open meetings for all citizens (particularly youngsters) and to which a committed representation of municipal officials was added. Likewise, the document includes the perspective of 36 educational centers of the city, from working sessions with the teaching staff and direct contributions from students.
The conclusions of the work stated that the new Naves do Metrosidero should be a meeting place for A Coruña youth. A place of reference where young people can simply be, spend time, and carry out activities that actually do not have a place enabled or legitimized in the street, in the neighborhood, or in the city. In order for this to happen, youngsters, have the vocation (but not the obligation) of transforming these activities into projects individuals, collective’s or community’s, which can be deployed even beyond the premises of the Naves.
Depending on the links that are created between the users and their “way of life”, the equipment will have a different way of working. Broadly speaking, each of the Naves is characterized according to its “state of being”: Naves 2, the solid-state (co-management spaces); Naves 3, the liquid state (programmable spaces, with scheduled activities); and Naves 4, the gaseous state (spaces for free use, without programming).
A Coruña
[244,850 inhabitants]

Type of project
Urban Strategies
Citizen cooperation
10 months [2018]
Municipality of A Coruña,
Department of Participation and
Democratic Innovation
*estel (Arnau Boix, Konstantina
Chrysostomou, Alba Domínguez)
MonoD estudio, Verónica
Technical team of the Concello da
People and entities attending
Meetings Teaching staff and
students participating in
Xuntanzas Escolares