Socio-territorial analysis in the Study of Urban Landscape of the Tres Turons

The Tres Turons area is a unique area between the city and the Sierra de Collserola Natural Park where highly impressive environmental and landscape conditions give attention to a profound review of the structure and quality of the urban landscape.
In this complex space, the Urban Landscape of the districts of Horta Guinardó, Gràcia, and Eixample, paired with a high variable of social, cultural, leisure, and economic dynamics, has evolved according to very different patterns and conditioning factors. Buildings and urbanized spaces are structured around the Turons with sizes and densities that condition the quality of the urban landscape, inevitably marked by the topographical relief. Topography, in fact, is the structuring system of the area that conditions environmental and landscape variables at the same time.
The study is divided into 5 large chapters (Study of historical evolution, Eco-environmental diagnosis, Relevant aspects of the urban landscape, Social structure and services, Human Landscape: everyday life). These chapters are linked to each other, emphasizing the multiple interactions between ecology and landscape. Human, economic and social dynamics converge coherently in a comprehensive transformation strategy to improve the quality of the Tres Turons landscape as a whole.
In this case, *estel was part of a very large team of professionals and focused on the socio-territorial study, intending to analyze the human landscape and the daily dynamics of the neighborhoods. The goal of the project was to understand how people relate to the territory as well as to each other.
In order to understand this complexity of administrative and social structuring in a territorial area of these dimensions (7 neighbourhoods), a cycle of debates has been carried out with representative agents of the neighbourhood. These debates have been complemented with various observation sessions of the public space. As a result, it was possible to report information regarding the identity of the Three Turons. The project was able to ask questions such as: what is the identity of the field, what is the approach to the perceptual field as it relates to the unions and perceptive borders, what are the structuring elements and generators of daily life, and what is the perception of comfort, autonomy and safety in public space.
[1,620,343 inhabitants]

Type of project
Urban Strategies
Citizen cooperation
6 months [2021-2022]
Municipality of Barcelona;
Institut del Paisatge Urbà
(Urban Landscape Institute)
B2B Arquitectes (Jordi
Bellmunt, Agata Buscemi)
*estel (Konstantina
Chrysostomou, Marc Deu,
Arnau Boix i Pla, Alba
Dominguez Ferrer),
Fàtima López, Montserrat
Mercadé, Veclus S.L.
Technicians of the
Vallcarca i els Penitents, la
Salut, la Teixonera, La Font
d’en Fargues, el Guinardó, Can
Baró, el Coll, el Carmel
Neighborhood associations
and groups:
Vallcarca i els Penitents, la
Salut, la Teixonera, La Font
d’en Fargues, el Guinardó, Can
Baró, el Coll, el Carmel