Socio-territorial Analysis in the Urban Landscape Study of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area

The study “Human Landscape of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area,” framed within the project “Study of the Urban Landscape of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area,” focuses on analyzing the daily life and environment of these neighborhoods through citizen participation. Various actions have been carried out, such as conversations with key agents, participatory sessions, and an online survey to collect the perceptions and needs of the local community.
The project aims to understand the collective identity of the people living in this area, highlighting the strong social network and sense of belonging to the community. It also aims to analyze the structuring and generating elements of daily life in public space. Key spaces and facilities are identified, such as parks, squares, and other meeting places, as well as the importance of activities carried out in these spaces. The diversity of uses and the presence of people of different ages, genders, and cultures are observed.
Additionally, a study of the typology of public spaces and streets in the area is conducted, highlighting transit areas and borders between neighborhoods. The use of public space and its functionality are analyzed.
Finally, the perception of comfort, autonomy, and safety in public space is evaluated. The distribution of space, infrastructure for bicycles, accessibility for people with disabilities, and vehicle speed are observed. Factors such as climate protection, the presence of urban greenery and water surfaces, lighting, and visibility are also considered. Overall, the space is identified as safe and inclusive, but areas with stigmatized conflicts among citizens are highlighted.
[1,620,343 inhabitants]

Type of project
Urban Strategies
Citizen cooperation
3 months [2022-2023]
Municipality of Barcelona
Urban Landscape Institute
Sara Bartumeus, Rosa
Escala, Anna Renau, Jordi
Sardà, Marina Cervera
Alonso de Medina
*estel (Konstantina
Chrysostomou, Marc Deu
Ferrer), Raimon Escala,
Brenda Roqueta, Ramon
Gumà, Gaspar Maza
Technicians and
professionals of the
Clot-Camp de l’Arpa.
Community of the two