Urban strategies for San Francisco neighborhood

The neighborhood of San Francisco, in the municipality of Villena, is a residential area developed during the 60s by the Francoist Ministry of Housing. Over the years, it has been subjected to a process of constant degradation that has ended to generate a setting with significant deficits both socially and architecturally, subjecting the local population to high levels of social vulnerability.
*estel elaborated a document of urban strategies, which is presented together with the socio-urban diagnostic document prepared by monoDestudio team. Both documents aim to establish the main axes of an intervention that allow reversing these dynamics.
A wide variety of parameters are analysed, ranging from the urban classification defined in the current PGOU (town plan), the conditions of the buildings, the property regime, to the main characteristics that define the neighbourhood’s everyday life.
Various areas of action are defined as taking advantage of the potentials and opportunities detected in the neighborhood, These transformation actions act as change generators and help to improve residents life quality.
[33,983 inhabitants]

Type of project
Urban Strategies
6 months [2018 – 2019]
Municipality of Villena
*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,
Alba Domínguez Ferrer,
Marc Deu Ferrer,
Konstantina Chrysostomou)
Neighbors of Villena