Transforming Ca n’Altimira into a space for community innovation

How can we define new uses for a symbolic building respecting its history and its importance for citizens? How can we transform it into a pedagogical space where the social fabric is empowered, allowing us to speak for a new model of co-management of the municipal facilities?
The process of citizen participation for the definition of the new uses and the management model of the old municipal library of Cerdanyola del Vallès was an innovative and intergenerational project. During the process, were carried out, on the one hand, participatory actions (talks, table games, walks, 3d printing, …) and on the other the communication plan of the process (informative actions on public space, communicative image, exhibition, and installations regarding Ca n’Altimira’s history, and its participative process).
The involvement of citizens during the collaborative analysis and diagnosis helped to detect the needs regarding spaces and activities and to structure a network of municipal facilities that could host them. Moreover, this co-production between administration and citizens helped to build a common story regarding the Functional Plan of Ca n’Altimira. This Plan includes a program of uses (artistic, technological, social), the equipment’s management model, and the architectural criteria for the transformation and the proposed distribution of uses.
Cerdanyola del Vallès
[57,740 inhabitants]

Public space
Type of project
Urban Strategies
Citizen cooperation
13 months [2016-2017]
Barcelona Provincial Council
Municipality of Cerdanyola de
*estel (Arnau Boix,
Konstantina Chrysostomou,
Marc Deu, Soledad Viteri)
MonoD estudio
Non-associated citizens,
Entities and Associations