Participation process associated with the Punctual Modification of the PGO of Can Coll in Torrelles de Llobregat

Participation process associated with the Punctual Modification of the PGO of Can Coll in Torrelles de Llobregat

The planning process is complex and often slower than we would like. This is the case of the Can Coll sector, an area of ​​mainly residential development on the edge of Torrelles de Llobregat and in contact with Non-Developable Land. This is an environment that is not finished running for various reasons.

In 2019, the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona (AMB) in collaboration with Torrelles de Llobregat City Council began drafting the Modification of the General Planning Plan (MPGO) in order to find a solution that consolidates this area and allow this process to be closed, minimizing the environmental impact and the inconvenience to the residents of the town.

It is in this context that this participatory process has been carried out, with the aim that this new MPGO allows responding to the needs of all those affected, both those who currently live in the area and those of the rest of the town.

One of the strong points of the project has been to clarify the information and make it reach as many people as possible, thus generating a space for debate from which to guarantee the possibility of getting involved and thus participating in the decision-making process. To this end, various open actions (informative and deliberative), sectoral meetings, online participation channels or an exhibition at the Ateneu Torrellenc, among others, have been held.


Torrelles de Llobregat

[6.186 inhabitants]



Type of project

Citizen cooperation


4 months [2021]


Municipality of Torrelles de




*estel (Marc Deu Ferrer,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Alba Domínguez Ferrer,

Arnau Boix i Pla)



Neighbors of Torrelles de


Government Measure and Study of gender inequalities in municipal facilities and spaces

Government Measure and Study of gender inequalities in municipal facilities and spaces

Government measures are an informational tool of the municipal government that present actions of general interest. In this case, the Government Measure aims to integrate a gender perspective into the design and management of municipal facilities and their surroundings. Its objectives are:

  • Provide criteria for incorporating a gender perspective into the design of public facilities.
  • Establish processes, references, and regulations for introducing this perspective into the design and evaluation of public facilities.
  •  Define and provide tools for the inclusion of a gender perspective in  public facility design.

In this way, the goal is to create accessible and versatile buildings for various activities, with a special focus on increasing green areas and lactation spaces, as well as the incorporation of furniture adapted for everyone. Through this Measure, a network of municipal restrooms and care spaces will be promoted, along with the creation of protocols to prevent and address gender-based violence. Additionally, the aim is to make the indoor spaces of the facilities comfortable, well-lit, with natural ventilation, and good sound insulation, all accompanied by clear and well-structured layouts to facilitate their use.

This initiative arises from a study that highlights a gender gap in the use of facilities, with an unequal trend towards feminization. Revealing data shows that women use certain facilities more than men, such as neighborhood daily consumption stores, specialized establishments, banks, primary care centers, senior centers, educational institutions, social service centers, and libraries.

To ensure an objective approach, a new methodology for the study and evaluation of existing facilities has been proposed, as well as recommendations for future designs. This measure represents a significant step towards a more inclusive and egalitarian society where all individuals can enjoy equitable access and use of municipal facilities, regardless of their gender.



[1,620,343 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Urban pedagogy


6 months [2021]


Barcelona City Council’s

Department of Gender

Services and Times Policies


Commission for Social Rights,

Culture and Sports (Municipal

Council of Barcelona)


Barcelona Regional Urban

Development Agency, S.A.



*estel (Alba Domínguez Ferrer,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer, Arnau Boix i Pla)


Barcelona Regional Urban

Development Agency, S.A.

(Ana Paricio Cárceles,

Conchi Berenguer Urrutia)


Read the full report at bcnroc



Read more about the project


Poligoneres: Diagnosis. Gender Justice in the Industrial Areas on the Right Bank of the Besòs

Poligoneres: Diagnosis.
Gender Justice in the Industrial Areas on the Right Bank of the Besòs

“Poligoneres” is a study that focuses on the industrial areas in the right bank of the Besòs River, including Bon Pastor, Torrent d’Estadella, la Verneda Industrial, and Montsolís. The industrial areas in the right bank of the Besòs require a comprehensive intervention with a gender-inclusive perspective to promote the transformation of urban spaces in terms of accessibility and safety. This transformation aims to ensure that everyone can work, use these industrial areas, and move around the area with full autonomy and equal opportunities. Moreover, it is essential to progressively shift towards an economic model with innovative and social criteria, placing elements of feminist economics at the forefront. This includes promoting quality employment for women, supporting women’s entrepreneurship, and increasing their participation in traditionally male-dominated sectors, thus empowering them within society. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure that caregiving and other life-sustaining work can be carried out under the best conditions.

Therefore, the strategic objective of “Poligoneres” is twofold: on one hand, it aims to bring about a transformation of the public spaces within the industrial areas based on an urbanism of everyday life. On the other hand, it seeks to make these industrial areas engines for gender justice in the economic world. 

Collaboration in this study is structured into three support blocks: research, writing, and representation.



[1,620,343 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Urban pedaogy


5 months [2020-2021]


Gender Services and Time

Policy Department, Barcelona

City Council

Barcelona Regional Urban

Development Agency, S.A



*estel (Alba Domínguez Ferrer,

Arnau Boix i Pla

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer)


Barcelona Regional Urban

Development Agency, S.A

(Ana Paricio Cárceles)


Read the full report at
