Inclusive Playground for CEIP Torre de la Llebre

Inclusive Playground for CEIP Torre de la Llebre

Based on the transformation proposals for the playground at CEIP Torre de la Llebre that emerged from the previous work process carried out by Espai Coneix SCCL, we developed a preliminary participatory project document for an inclusive playground for this educational center. Starting from a set of shared and agreed criteria on what it means to have an inclusive playground, we carried out a cooperative co-design process with the Adult and Children’s Initiative Groups from the school.

Broadly speaking, the essence of the co-design proposal is to redefine the playground so that the central area is no longer just about football and sports fields. This new central area would become an Agora space, created in the current basketball court, equipped with new bleachers, a large organizational board, and a representative mural on the ground. The sports fields are centralized into a single area, diversifying their uses instead of limiting them. New play elements are installed: tubes, wooden playhouses, a sandbox, and garden plots. All playground areas are made accessible and connected, and a proposal for themed carts is introduced to organize, facilitate, and diversify new activities in the playground.

The resulting document outlines the necessary actions to achieve the envisioned inclusive playground, allowing it to be built and transformed gradually according to the school’s efforts, priorities, and investment capacity in the coming years. The new Agora space is meant to accompany this transformation and continue to facilitate debate, agreements, or proposals for improvements to the planned changes.



[79.007 inhabitants]


Public space

Type of project

Citizen cooperation

Public space design


4 months [2023]


CEIP Torre de La Llebre



*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer,

Alba Domínguez Ferrer)

Espai Coneix SCCL



Students of CEIP Torre de la


Teachers and AFA members of

CEIP Torre de la Llebre


Check the presentation at Prezi

Strategic Plan for Urban Regeneration of the old town of Artés

Strategic Plan for Urban Regeneration of the old town of Artés

The Urban Regeneration Plan for the old town of Artés is a strategic document aimed at reversing the dynamics of this urban environment and, ultimately, improving the living conditions of the people who live there.

The old quarter is a consolidated area, with enormous potential and a strong identity (architectural, historical and social), but in recent decades it has been subjected to dynamics of a certain abandonment, aging of the housing stock and to a loss of local commerce and other services.

The project starts from the analysis of various topics ranging from the quality and connectivity of public space, housing, heritage, the network of facilities, green infrastructure or the social dynamics of the neighbourhood. This analysis is based on multiple quantitative indicators, but is complemented qualitatively through citizen cooperation, conveyed through a participative process that advances in parallel with the development of the plan.

This work leads to a strategic document that proposes various improvement actions, realistic and aligned with the needs of the city council, with the possible sources of external financing and with the guidelines that define the SDGs and the 2030 Urban Agendas.



[5.994 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation


9 months[2022-2023]


Diputació de Barcelona,

Municipality of Artes



*estel (Alba Domínguez

Ferrer, Marc Deu Ferrer,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Arnau Boix i Pla)


Montserrat Mercadé 

Oriol Serra i Ureta

Participatory Process: Sant Boi Respira + Verd

Participatory Process: Sant Boi Respira + Verd

The participatory process “Sant Boi Respira + Verd” is part of a much broader project of the same name, which builds upon the ongoing efforts of the Sant Boi de Llobregat City Council to re-naturalize the city.

Methodologically, the project has had to address specific challenges related to the diverse range of spaces to be worked on (4 public spaces and 4 school courtyards), the variety of target audiences (representatives of neighborhood associations, activists and experts in nature, the general public, and the educational community, including children aged 6 to 12), and the fact that each space had different levels of technical work, history, and community demands.

The process has led to the creation of the Quadern de Camp (Field Notebook), a participatory tool that has served as an umbrella for organizing and structuring the various actions carried out with the community. This notebook, as a concept and recognizable object, acts as a guiding thread for each space, structured in 3 large-format pages: the first page outlines the current technical work and existing community demands, the second organizes the content and participatory proposals, and the third presents the progress of the respective technical projects (thus becoming a tool for feedback and monitoring of the entire process).

This approach has made it possible to collect perspectives and criteria from participants through two lenses: on the one hand, the community’s needs, and on the other, the requirements for preserving and promoting the biodiversity of urban fauna and flora.


Sant Boi de Llobregat

[83.919 inhabitants]



Type of project

Citizen Cooperation

Urban Pedagogy


3 months [2024]


Sant Boi de Llobregat City




*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer, Alba

Domínguez Ferrer)



Islote Studio



Neighbors of Sant Boi de


Educational Community of

Sant Boi de Llobregat


Check the presentation at



Watch the summary video of

the participatory process on


Strategic Plan for the Can Llobet Facilities Area

Strategic Plan for the Can Llobet Facilities Area

The Can Llobet facilities area is located in the western part of the La Floresta district. It includes a children’s playground, an outdoor swimming pool, a multi-sports hall, an outdoor sports court, and the buildings of La Mimosa nursery and the Can Llobet Open Center. There is also an informal BMX circuit, a skatepark, a calisthenics area, and the “Cases dels Mestres” complex, which are public social housing units under an urban caretaker system.

All these elements make up an architectural ensemble that has been developed progressively and somewhat chaotically, without an overarching vision. The project’s ultimate goal is to enhance the value of both the facilities and the public space that connects them, elevating what is already the social and sports hub of La Floresta.

The project was developed based on a detailed technical study and a series of participatory, administrative, and community meetings that helped articulate a shared narrative about how Can Llobet functions. This approach incorporated a highly cross-disciplinary political and technical vision, along with the community perspectives of local sports, neighborhood, and socio-educational organizations.

The final result is a Strategic and Action Plan that integrates an intersectional gender perspective and guides the collective diagnosis—from mobility, public space, and building analysis to facility management—towards a comprehensive proposal. This proposal focuses on energy upgrades for the buildings, reconnection with the adjacent public space system, prioritization of sustainable mobility, centralization of management, and increased visibility of all available municipal and community resources.


Sant Cugat del Vallès 

[90,664 inhabitants]


Public facility

Public spac

Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation


6 months [2023]


Municipality of Sant Cugat

del Vallès



*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer, Alba

Domínguez Ferrer)

Iker Etxarte Sunsundegui 



Entities and associations of

the La Floresta district:

Olimpyc de la Floresta, AFA

Escola La Floresta, AAVV de

La Floresta, Centre Obert,

CAU (Scout Group), Clau


Technical team of the Sant

Cugat del Vallès City Council


Check the presentation at


Socio-territorial Analysis in the Urban Landscape Study of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area

Socio-territorial Analysis in the Urban Landscape Study of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area

The study “Human Landscape of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area,” framed within the project “Study of the Urban Landscape of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa Area,” focuses on analyzing the daily life and environment of these neighborhoods through citizen participation. Various actions have been carried out, such as conversations with key agents, participatory sessions, and an online survey to collect the perceptions and needs of the local community.

The project aims to understand the collective identity of the people living in this area, highlighting the strong social network and sense of belonging to the community. It also aims to analyze the structuring and generating elements of daily life in public space. Key spaces and facilities are identified, such as parks, squares, and other meeting places, as well as the importance of activities carried out in these spaces. The diversity of uses and the presence of people of different ages, genders, and cultures are observed.

Additionally, a study of the typology of public spaces and streets in the area is conducted, highlighting transit areas and borders between neighborhoods. The use of public space and its functionality are analyzed.

Finally, the perception of comfort, autonomy, and safety in public space is evaluated. The distribution of space, infrastructure for bicycles, accessibility for people with disabilities, and vehicle speed are observed. Factors such as climate protection, the presence of urban greenery and water surfaces, lighting, and visibility are also considered. Overall, the space is identified as safe and inclusive, but areas with stigmatized conflicts among citizens are highlighted.



[1,620,343 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation


3 months [2022-2023]


Municipality of Barcelona

Urban Landscape Institute



Sara Bartumeus,  Rosa

Escala,  Anna Renau, Jordi

Sardà,  Marina Cervera

Alonso de Medina 


*estel (Konstantina

Chrysostomou, Marc Deu

Ferrer), Raimon Escala,

Brenda Roqueta,  Ramon

Gumà, Gaspar Maza 



Technicians and

professionals of the


Clot-Camp de l’Arpa.

Community of the two


Exhibition on Active and Inclusive Spaces

Exhibition on Active and Inclusive Spaces

As part of the project led by monoDestudio, we provided guidance and support in the design and production of a museum exhibition at the Las Cigarreras Cultural Center (Alicante), based on documentation generated during successive participatory meetings that focused on functional diversity and the post-pandemic activation of urban space and culture.

This exhibition gathers the reflections and experiences of participants from groups linked to functional and sensory diversity, and it is organized in a small room at Las Cigarreras, following accessibility criteria for both the space and the information presented. The main idea is to display the critical dialogue generated, visually and graphically communicating the issues that concern these groups to the broader audience. The process of critical reflection and work, therefore, serves as the generator of new cultural content that, in addition to empowering the involved groups, enables a social return of their own cultural production.

We contributed our experience in projects related to functional diversity and urban environments, as well as communication accessibility, to collaborate with monoDestudio in designing and producing the expression of the contents for the exhibition “MvMet: A Reflection on More Active and Accessible Public Spaces.” The exhibition features high-contrast signage, tactile elements, easy-to-understand pictograms, information tailored to reading distance, and an organization of content that facilitates following the overall narrative. All of this is prepared so that the museum experience can be enjoyed by any visitor, regardless of their functional or sensory diversity.



[331.577 inhabitants]



Type of project

Citizen cooperation

Urban pedagogy


4 months [2022]


Consorci de Museus de la

Comunitat Valenciana





*estel (Arnau Boix i Pla,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Marc Deu Ferrer, Alba

Domínguez Ferrer)



Centro San Rafael, APSA,




See the director’s team website





Check the project on the

Consorci de Museus de la

Comunitat Valenciana



School paths of Marianao and Montbaig schools

School paths of Marianao and Montbaig schools

Following in the wake of the “Tactical Guide for Sant Boi de Llobregat School Paths” that we worked on in 2020, the School Path projects for the Montbaig and Mariano schools have been drawn up. The objective is to improve mobility dynamics and the quality of the public space around the schools and at the same time put into practice the methodologies described in the guide, which should serve as a basis for the rest of centers of the municipality.

The projects begin with the analysis of the students’ daily routes, which are obtained through an individualized survey. Next, an audit of the surrounding streets and squares is carried out, paying attention to aspects ranging from accessibility and connectivity, comfort or the capacity of the public space to promote autonomy and the development of boys and girls in safe conditions. All this analysis is accompanied by participatory and pedagogical actions with students, teaching teams and families, with the aim of collecting their perceptions and directly influencing their mobility habits.

With all this, the document ends by defining specific actions that are grouped under three thematic axes: physical actions on public space, pedagogical and participative actions and communicative actions.


Sant Boi de Llobregat 

[82.904 inhabitants]


Public space

Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation

Public space design


6 months [2022]


Municipality of Sant Boi de




*estel (Marc Deu Ferrer,

Arnau Boix i Pla, Konstantina

Chrysostomou, Alba

Domínguez Ferrer)

Pau Avellaneda



Educational community linked

to Marianao and Montbaig


Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Mancomunidad de la Valldigna

Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan of the Mancomunidad de la Valldigna

The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PMUS) are the instrument that analyzes and plans everything that has to do with the displacements that occur in a territory, both those linked to “obligatory” mobility, often linked to productive tasks, and those that take place and coexist with the rest of the activities that occur on the public space.

In the case of the Valldigna PMUS, the study covers the three municipalities of Benifairó de la Valldigna, Simat and Barx, for this reason, special emphasis has been placed on understanding what role each of the three towns plays in the whole, and what dynamics territorial events take place in that environment.

After the analysis phase, proposals capable of promoting sustainable mobility have been drawn up and planned, both in terms of infrastructure design and management and planning. In addition, special emphasis has been placed on communication and urban pedagogy, understanding that the transition to active and sustainable mobility also requires a change in habits that affects all the agents involved. 

It can also be said that one of the objectives of the Plan has been to understand sustainable mobility as an opportunity to improve the living conditions of the citizens of Valldigna, but also to promote sustainable tourism, capable of revaluing the territory and generating new economic opportunities.


Mancomunitat de la Valldigna

(Benifairó de la Valldigna, Simat and

Barx) [6.134 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban strategies


8 months [2022]


Mancomunitat de la Valldigna



*estel (Marc Deu Ferrer,

Arnau Boix i Pla, Konstantina

Chrysostomou, Alba

Domínguez Ferrer)

Pau Avellaneda

Xavi Rodríguez

Participatory process to expand the inventory of the cultural heritage of Terrassa

Participatory process to expand the inventory of the cultural heritage of Terrassa

The Participatory Process associated with the Advance of the specific Modification of the POUM to expand the inventory of assets of Cultural Heritage of Terrassa, has been carried out between September 2021 and January 2022. Highlight the city’s heritage of the city, and elaborate on a proposal of regulation that has the citizen’s knowledge that has opened this space of participation in an initial phase of the urban processing.

Terrassa is a city with remarkable heritage value. Noteworthy examples include: (1) the monumental ensemble of the Cathedral of Ègara which was founded in the middle of the 5th century with the Romanesque churches of Sant Pere and Santa Maria, (2) the Gothic altarpieces of the 15th century, (3) the Carthusian Castle of Vallparadís which is originally from the 12th century and was converted into a Carthusian monastery in the 14th and 15th centuries, and (4) the cloister of the Convent of Sant Francesc from the 17th century.

With the Catalan industrial revolution, Terrassa became a major center of the textile sector in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Factories, warehouses, and residential buildings are concentrated in the city during the period of Modernism, with such remarkable examples as Masia Freixa and Casa Alegre de Sagrera.

For the citizens of Terrassa, the patrimonial elements become elements of identity. It is an active citizenry concerned with conserving and preserving these assets that are relics of the familiar past and translate into citizen pride. The link is based on associations of residents interested in heritage, which have the support and advice of entities such as the Heritage Board and the Center for Historical Studies of Terrassa. Terrassa City Council gives them a voice to express their opinions and assessments in expanding the inventory of Terrassa’s Cultural Heritage assets. In short, a review and group reflection to continue guarding the heritage with the best possible conditions in a correlative legacy from past to future.

The objectives from which the participatory process is set are:

  • Facilitate the dissemination and understanding of the progress document of the MPOUM, and the background linked to the regulation of the Cultural Heritage of Terrassa.
  • Achieve a higher quality plan/project: Collect different perspectives and proposals on the elements to be regulated and the criteria to be considered.
  • Weave new relationships and improve governance with the affected agents of the territory, to facilitate their management and monitoring during the participatory process and the following stages of urban planning.



[218,535 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation


8 months [2021-2022]


Municipality of Terrassa



*estel (Marc Deu i Ferrer,

Konstantina Chrysostomou,

Arnau Boix i Pla, Alba

Dominguez Ferrer),

Fàtima López Pérez,

Pablo Tardio



Neighbors of Terrassa


Read more about the project

at the participa.terrassa

Participatory process for the Master Plan of the Vapor Albinyana’s suroundings

Participatory process for the Master Plan of the Vapor Albinyana’s suroundings

The participatory process of this project is part of the drafting of the document “Master Plan of the Vapor Albinyana’s surroundings: Diagnosis and development strategies.” 

The document serves to make a careful diagnosis of the problems within the area as a preliminary step to raise a set of proposals to be used in public and private areas, which dynamizes and prevents the loss of heritage values.

The objectives of the participatory process are:

  • Disseminate technical work concerning the Master Plan
  • Facilitate the collection of citizen contributions to complement the technical work carried out in recent months and promote collective reflection by incorporating the neighborhood’s vision.
  • Facilitate the follow-up of the process of this strategic document once the participatory process is completed

The team (Jordi Peralta Fernández + *estel)  proposes a holistic and experiential study approach. Create territorial reading at all scales by observing everyday life and the interrelationships it establishes in the neighborhood’s ecosystem. The methodology of the process intrinsically includes all the lines of work involved in the 2030 Agenda in its social, physical, environmental, and economic dimensions and its objectives to enrich this technical vision with citizen perception and aspiration. The work process organizes different participatory formats that are transdisciplinary and transparent.

This process aims to combine the awakening of the environment’s capabilities to respond to the needs detected with the perspectives and knowledge of technicians and citizens. Through their respective direct or indirect involvement in the work process, people of any age, condition, and situation have participated in the process.

The team put activities together to gain a greater understanding of the context. These organized activities included in-situ observations, preliminary conversations with crucial actors in the territory, a survey, two participatory sessions, and a return session to the citizens, the technical, and the political team of the Municipality of Terrassa and the Diputació de Barcelona.



[218,535 inhabitants]



Type of project

Urban Strategies

Citizen cooperation


11 months [2021-2022]


Diputació de Barcelona

Municipality of Terrassa



Jordi Peralta Fernández

*estel (Konstantina

Chrysostomou, Arnau Boix i

Pla, Marc Deu i Ferrer,

Alba Dominguez Ferrer)



Neighbors of Terrassa

Associations of Terrassa


Read more about the project

at the platform

participa.terrassa and at the
